In 1987, twenty-five yachts from six countries
descended on Freemantle, Australia.
This would become the most exciting
America’s Cup ever.
When the dust settled,
America had won,
thanks to Dennis Conner
and his team onboard
Stars & Stripes.
It was one of the greatest comebacks in sports history.
This was also the peak moment for sailing in America when our sport went mainstream.
Our nation watched the races live on ESPN.
Dennis appeared on the covers of
Time and Sports Illustrated.
And after the victory, President Ronald Reagan welcomed Dennis and the Stars & Stripes team to the White House followed by a ticker tape parade in New York City.
“Gentlemen of Stars & Stripes,
for a few days you enabled
all of us to become airborne.”
– President Ronald Reagan
After her great victory, Stars & Stripes eventually went to the Caribbean where she earned her living recreating America’s Cup races in St Maarten.
She thrilled thousands of sailors for more than two decades.
Then tragedy struck.
In 2017, Hurricane Irma sank
Stars & Stripes.

Now, is the time to restore Stars & Stripes.
Our nation needs it.
Please join the effort:
of the United States of America
believe Stars & Stripes
is one of our nation’s most famous yachts.
And that
should bring her back to life
so she can tell the story of
America’s great achievements
and inspire the next generation.
We call on all patriotic sailors,
from sea to shining sea,
to join in this mission
and to make any donation
large or small so that
come together to restore
Stars & Stripes.